Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Training Hike - 26June2016

The White Mountains this month... The Himalayas next!
A few of us hiked Mount Monadnock on Sunday to test our boots, lungs, and legs. It's a challenging hike, especially in 90degree weather! But we had a great time, and made it to the top & back with smiles on our faces.

At the very top there was a depression in the rock with many many tadpoles. About 1/4 of a mile off the top, we found a pond with a healthy population of adult frogs; is there a connection? Maybe so! I also really enjoyed seeing the plants growing from mini-crevasses in the rock, and the ravens, vultures, and... is that a juvenile bald eagle??!!

IMG_0954        IMG_0965
The peaks in the distance are a lot shorter than they will be next month!

Prep Work! 25 June 2016

The "team" got together on Saturday to go over what equipment we are planning to bring, to review surveying, and to rough out our work plan. It is really becoming "real"... Exactly one month until our flight!




We will be posting pictures and stories about our preparation and our trip!

Our ultimate destination is the village of Hilajung, shown in the image above. It is only about 20miles from Mount Everest!